Monday, December 1, 2014


You are invited! Sat Dec. 6th, 10-2 pm. We have games, prizes, food, and give-aways. Mandy and ABC Girls will be singing 11-12 pm. Hot apple cider, chocolates, and lots of fun! And, we will have a lot of artworks and gifts on sale.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A New Artist

ARTe Gallery features many artists, our newest addition is work from Dirk Schneider of Las Vegas. These southwest stlye oil paintings are of pueblo dwellings. Dirk has sold many artworks in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and in Arizona. He has collectors of his art around the world. Dirk also does many commission works. Come by and see his art, along with many other southwestern-style pieces at ARTe.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Unique and Unusual Frames

Siegfried and Roy in Las Vegas brought in a very expensive hand-made, and painted fan. I fashioned a cathedral frame for it.
Recently, I made an arrowhead-shaped frame for one of my own artworks. It was a real challenge, but ended up a success. Another client has a corner niche in his kitchen that needed art. We made a 90 degree piece for him.
Now is the time to ponder what unique or special objects you would like to give to relatives, especially grandchildren. It is amazing what can be done with the simplest of objects--they can be turned into shadowboxes for gifts this Christmas.
Here are a few examples of unique and unusual frames:

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

African Cultural Event

Ten San Francisco are resident artists will perform here in St. George December 5th and 6th. Master drummers, master dancers, sculptor and artist, and keyboardist Melissa Vardey are putting on a very unique event and a first for Southern Utah. These artists tour America to preserve traditional African cultural arts. Their mission? Bring joy, excitement, color, and music to us. But mainly, their mission is to raise funds for the Ecole de Dance et d'Exchange Culturell orphan children. They in turn will learn the traditional arts of West African Ivory Coast Tribes. Event tickets are $20 which all goes to the Exchange Cultural Center.
Please help us locate individuals or businesses to fund this unique event. They are a non-profit touring ensemble.
Thank you very much,
Phil and Brenda
ARTe Gallery

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Spirit of Togetherness

       “The Spirit of Togetherness” is an African Cultural Fundraising Even that has toured major cities in the United States. It was so well received in Mesquite Nevada a couple of years ago, that we are giving people here in St. George that opportunity to be part of this unique and special event. The performance weekend is slated for December 5-6th, hosted by ARTe Gallery at the Sunbrook Ranch Performance Stage.

Over the two days, internationally acclaimed West African master musicians, drummers, and dancers will perform in the evenings. During the day there will be workshops and traditional painting classes appealing to all age groups. A fresh new experience, fun for all the family!

The mastermind behind this touring group and fundraising event is artist Gueria Gaston, Emissary of Yacouba Tribe, Ivory Coast, W. Africa, whose traditional carving, painting, and tribal dress-design for ceremonies is recognized by The Brooklyn Museum of Art and United Nations. Gueria Gaston is one of the foremost experts on African art in the world today, and will be giving painting classes and a short lecture on tribal art and healing. 

The individual and collective talent of The West African Drum and Dance Ensemble in remarkable! It was the opening musical act for Tina Turner and the Rolling Stones in New York, and the group travels extensively around the world. These artists will be bringing a sample of village life to St. George with its celebratory infectious rhythms, song and dance together with the exotic flavors of authentic West African cuisine. 

The troupe is comprised of: Lasana Kouyate (master balafon player), from Guinea; Ahmadou Fall (master of the Kora—a delicate stringed instrument), from Senegal; Bara Mboup, also from Senegal, master of the djembe drum and sabar, who recently performed for Stevie Wonder and is a percussion soloist on many CD recordings. Faly Sydy is a master drummer from the Fulani Tribe, Senegal. Adama Ken Doumbia and Ahmeena(male and female dancers) are from the Bambara Tribe, Mali

“Our mission,” says Gaston, “is to raise awareness of our traditional culture, and keep it alive by bringing joy and success to the orphans at the Ecole de Dance et d’Exchange Culturell in the city of Abidjan in my native Ivory Coast. All our efforts are to bless these children over there who learn dance at the Rose Mary Guiraud School. We invite all people to plwase enjoy with us ‘The Spirit of Togetherness,’ a celebration of artistic expression, and add to the efforts and success of the students and the school. We look forward to seeing you soon!”

Award-winning British keyboardist and composer Melissa Vardey (resident entertainer for the American Embassy in London, England, and accompanist for Chaka Khan and Rod Stewart) will be making a guest musical appearance. 

These performances are usually booking into big cities, but now this style of culture is being made available to Southern Utah. Public support for these events is vital. We encourage your presence. Contact ARTé Gallery for tickets at 435-862-0303, or visit our facebook page (Arte-Art-Gallery) 

Donors and sponsors for this event are invited to support their efforts. 


Phil and Brenda Moulton

ARTé Gallery

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Local Seasoning

     Local artists have their seasons. Fall is one of them. Why? They are enthused by the prospect of actually hearing the words, "I love this piece, I'll take it!" We artists are very motivated when we sell art. When we do, our artistic output gets more flavorful. "Wherein shall our local art cuisine be flavored if our artists lose their seasoning?" How will the art movement in Southern Utah be nurtured and perpetuated if locals choose "Made in China" over local offerings?
      Spread the word, blog your friends, help out our local artistic flavorings! Next week is the Art Walk and Watercolor Artists show downtown. If everyone bought just 20 or 30 dollars worth, that alone would generate thousands in revenue for our local artists. How wise you are in seeing the value of purchasing local creations over the "Asian alternatives." Please support our local artists.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Age of Neglect

Ask a rocket scientist to draw a tree or a house. Very likely, he or she, would draw very much the same tree or house,  the way they drew it at age seven years old. What happened along the way? Why do 90% of older people are unable to conjure up a real looking drawing? They don’t want to actually. Their artistic mind for creating gave up around age 11 or 12. Here’s why.

The creative processing of a brain at 5 to 8 years old is extremely active. Page after page of colorful, random 2 dimensional artworks can easily cover any family refrigerator when a grade schooler is encouraged. Or, they can waste those creative years at computer game screens where nearly zero creativity is required. 

At age 9-10, artistic children tire quickly of doing the same art. They want realism. The images 3-dimensional art yet don’t know the basics. They try to draw realism but dislike the results. Most kids quit altogether, embarrassed by their attempts at art. What might be the solution for this?

Phil has taught realism and surrealism in a private school years ago in Las Vegas. The 9-10 year olds were extremely excited and engaged to learn the simple steps to shading, perspective, and 3-dimentional drawing. If your child is good at art and is approaching nine, don’t let them quit. Get them some advanced training.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Don't miss this one!

Sunbrook Ranch Complex is throwing a 2 day sale! We will have art from 40-80% off! We will have free mats, frames, and prints. There will be free drinks and snacks, and who knows what else! There will be other vendors with hundreds of items. Come Friday or Saturday, Sept. 19th and 20th, 8am to Noon. 415 S. Dixie Dr, just one block north of Valley View.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Shutterbug Workshop

ARTe Gallery is hosting photography classes given by professional photographer Raymond Muzzy. There will be 5 sessions; Exposure, Light and Color Control, Focusing Basics, Composition, NIght Scenes, Slot Canyons, Fall Colors, Florals, and Waterfalls will be covered.

Take one session, or take all 5 and get a big discount. ARTe endorses Raymond, having seen his work the last 2 years. It is very impressive. We are confident you will appreciate his expertise in teaching photography. Call to reserve your sessions at 435-669-8871. Email is for any questions.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Memories Re-gifted

Several years ago, while exploring the outdoors with my 6 year old daughter, she picked up a large maple leaf off the ground. We had quite a discussion about the unnatural find. It had obviously blown a long distance to settle here in the dry desert. She thought a whirlwind brought it from far away. She carried it home and left it on the kitchen table.

Sixteen years later, that same leaf is in a frame on our kitchen wall. The date is written on the mat below the leaf. Our daughter will be married next year. That framed leaf, along with my hand-written message on the back, will hopefully stir her emotions a bit when she unwraps it.

Small keepsakes are best kept when they are properly preserved, then gifted to the right person at the right time.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hidden "Treasures?"

About 6 years ago, I received a call at our gallery from a very excited gentlemen. He was elated over his latest art find. Apparently, he happened upon 6 antique paintings by the famous western artist Charles M. Russell. The signatures were authentic, and the paintings were safely stored in a vault. I grew more and more excited that he was going to have us fame all 6 paintings.

The man called after 2 weeks and said he was bringing his prized paintings in the next day. He arrived carrying a large, flat box. He shook my hand, and then began to unveil his treasures on my framing counter. One by one he showed me the  paintings. I just didn't have the heart to tell him yet, so I asked how much he paid for them. He said it was a "super deal" at $650 a piece.

Finally, I had to be the bearer of bad news and tell him: "What you have here are Circa 1960 vellum and acrylic-coated mounted prints. They're worth approxipately $75 each."

"No!" he insisted, "These are worth more than that!"

"Sorry," I quickly returned, "but they just aren't what you thought." He stared blankly at me in shock. His mumbling and expressions were priceless. I nearly broke into a laugh, but decided against it. After several minutes of consoling, he slowly gathered his faux-treasure and whimpered out the door. I just couldn't believe he had mistaken crappy prints for originals. Collectors, beware, seek advice first. Until next week, happy hunting.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The "Z" Effect

The process of removing a printed image from paper and securing  it onto canvas began decades ago. These "canvas transfer" process gained popularity and momentum  in the late 70s on through to the early 90s. The acrylic gel coating used on the canvas was generally an inferior product that yellowed, causing the image to fade. Jet printers infused the industry in the mid 90s. It produced a clean, clean reproduction onto canvas that phased-out the transfer process. UV coating became a standard in jet printing, thus preserving dyes and pigments from fading.

Z-gel, and other acrylic gels, can be rolled or brushed onto mounted paper prints. The "Z-effect" replaces glass, doesn't glare, and has a UV barrier that saves the print dyes from fading. ARTe has enjoyed the "Z-effect" for over 15 years, producing great results similar to an "original art" look at a very reasonable cost for clients. It's a must see at ARTe Gallery. Come by or call us.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Kids and Art

“Mommy! Daddy! Look what I made!” Remember the excitement your 7 year old had about creating art and bringing it home to you? We would tape it to walls and hang it on the fridge for all to admire. Well, around 10, this enthusiasm diminishes from fear of criticism. Then around 12, kids are usually disgusted with their attempts at art, and quit altogether. As they grow older, the kids still draw stick figures, trees, and houses very similar to their attempts as small children.  Only now, and for years to come, they have accepted their frustrating incapability to draw.

Parents can intervene with this inevitable artistic demise by enrolling their kids in a drawing class. The best age for art specific classes is 8-12 years old. Proper instruction in Art Realism and Surrealism is extremely beneficial for kids. Call ARTé Gallery for more information on art classes.  

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Original Art

Many prefer to have original oil paintings, watercolors, pastels, or drawings rather than reproductions. Original art is usually more expensive than prints or lithographs. Original art has a greater value over time, and can become a collectible.


Prints are an inexpensive alternative. The paper can be low to medium quality, and the inks will fade over time unless properly framed.


Lithographs, silkscreens, and etchings are usually signed and numbered by the artist. They are printed on high quality paper. Like originals, these can increase in value over time, if framed properly.


Giclee, (gee-clay) is a French word meaning "spray of color." Years ago these prints did not last because the inks were unstable. Now, the printer pigments are of a much higher quality; printing on canvas with a UV coating is extremely effective, and does not need glass. Like Lithographs, these are usually signed and numbered.

In conclusion, choosing art is very subjective. Professional assistance is recommended, but not vital. Most already know what works for them. The danger is wrongfully mixing art and framing pieces. Trust the design team at ARTe Gallery to assist you in your art choices, framing, and installation.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Art & Decorating Options

Choosing the right art for your decor is essential. Artwork sets the tone for your home or office. The limitless choices for art makes it difficult to decide which will work best for you.

ARTe Gallery has worked for years to help clients find the proper artwork for them and their homes. Choosing the right colors, themes, and textures are essential considerations.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

How to Hang Pictures

The least invasive hanging method is usually sufficient. Many people over-use hangers, leaving large holes in the wall. Here are some suggestions:


These pound or screw into the top center of the frame. They require a nail or screw in the wall to hang onto. The problem though: they can be easily bumped off or fall off the wall.


Be sure wires are not shredded, and a heavy enough gauge. Small hangers are sufficient for up to 20 lbs; medium hangers, up to 35 lbs; double medium hangers, 8-12 inches apart, up to 45 lbs; double large hangers, up to 65 lbs. Hammering into studs is not necessary. Heavy pictures and mirrors require anchoring and strap hangers. Simple math knowledge is the key to position picture properly. For various hanging methods, consult your professional.


Heavy pictures and mirrors are best anchored without wire. There are exceptions when the wire gauge is sufficient. Consult your professional.


Both metal and wood frames can be secured to protect from jarring or theft. Necessary hardware is provided through your professional framer. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Protecting Your Art

Some art is very valuable, and deserves proper long-term care. Some art is not as valuable from a money standpoint, but is loved and deserves the same care. And then there is some art that just oughta be tossed over a cliff.


The best protection for oil on canvas, or oil on board is quite simple. Get it out of the sun; prolonged heat or direct sunlight can be damaging. Make sure to vacuum any debris or dust off with a brush attachment.
Yellowing: varnish on an oil painting tends to yellow. Old varnish can be removed, along with tobacco smoke, soot, or other contaminates. Once properly cleaned, new varnish can be re-applied.
Cracking: Due to either age, atmospheric fluctuations, or improper priming, cracking or flaking can occur. Impeding this aging process can save the painting. Seek professional help.


Giclee pigments have greatly improved. Make sure, however, that a UV protection has been applied. These prints need acid-free backing, mats, and protective glass.


These prints are a four color printing process. Most inks used are dyes and can fade faster than pigments. Lithographs should be on a heavier acid-free paper. For proper protection, frame them as you would a Giclee.


Original Watercolor paints are mostly pigments, saturating deeper than Lithographs, into a deep tooth--heavy watercolor paper or board. These papers are durable and will not yellow. Watercolors offer more framing options than Lithographs. Consult your professional.


These “silkscreen” prints vary greatly in quality by the publisher. Some are spectacular and brilliant, others are dull and out of register. They potentially hold greater value than other reproduction methods.


Store and transport them flat, between foam cores, and treat them with the same regard as other artworks when framing.


There are several choices when it comes to glass. Regular glass or plexiglass, non-glare, Ultraviolet reflecting glass or plexiglass, anti-reflective glass or plexiglass with 3 levels of UV protection. Consult your professional.

In conclusion, many artworks accrue value over time, many don’t, and many decrease in value over time. But, aesthetic value is greater than monetary value, and the art’s value is decided by the owner. If the art is not protected with conservation materials, it would be in its best interest to contact a professional framer soon. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Introducing........ARTé Gallery and Framing.

It was 1996, and Las Vegas was booming. This was when Art Visions began. The old ’76 Chevy box van was re-painted and plastered with “Art Visions Mobile Picture Framing” vinyl on the sides and rear doors. My brick of a cell phone was constantly ringing with home or business owner inquiries. What a great four years, but 40+ years in Vegas was plenty for me. Art Visions was bought out by a New Yorker, and we landed in Mesquite, NV, another booming location. Soon, we re-opened at the old Abbot Hotel, a haunted 120 year-old two story treasure, and Mesquite Art and Frame was born. Business was so good, we opened ARTé, a second gallery in NW Mesquite. The economic recession of ’07 and ’08 caused us to downsize, and we relocated in St. George, UT. ARTé began as a very small 200 sq. ft. office, and now, 6 years later, we are a 4000 sq. ft. full framing and Art Gallery facility. The Gallery is 2800 sq. ft., and displays over 500 artworks. Our 18 years of picture framing allows us deep wholesale discounting. We are professionally and competitively priced when it comes to custom framing. Come visit us at 415 S Dixie Dr. just one block from Valley View.